About Us

Mountain Lodges of Nepal is a family-owned, heritage collection of lodges along the Great Himalaya Trails.

For over thirty years, our lodges have provided warmth, welcome and guidance on the trekkers’ journey. With a focus on simplicity and recovery, we seek to honor both the mountain and the traditions of Mountain Hospitality.

We exist to lift the Soulful Sportsmen, those mindful and driven individuals and families dedicated to the pursuit of personal excellence—for the challenge of facing one’s mountain offers a view of life in balance; that is the Sherpa way.

With our fully-supported trips and accommodations, we strive to make the Himalayas easy to reach, safe and welcoming, for all people, and all ages.

We believe in reaching higher. Not simply for the achievement, but because up here perspectives change, the world looks different, vast.

Our Values

Quality, Humility and Service on Your Journey

A philosophy of service, based on Buddhist values, infuses daily life at Mountain Lodges of Nepal. We think and act consciously and with humility in our daily work and interactions, with each other and our guests. We recognize we are all responsible for that which surrounds us—no matter how tiny we are in comparison.

Our Team

With a commitment to employing, training and developing staff from the local villages and valleys, we ensures our lodge teams offer a true mountain welcome and service to our guests.